They did a wonderful job installing the quilts at the eba Gallery -- here's a picture of the view as you enter the front door. The smaller pieces are two of my Journal Quilts; to give them more of a presence, I mounted each of them on artist's canvas that I had covered with a coordinating fabric, and I used multiple-sized beads to attach each quilt to the surface at the corners to give the appearance of rivets. The effect added a nice dimension to each quilt, and I plan to use the idea on other small quilts as well.
Saturday, June 14, 2008
The opening night of the show was so much fun! Approximately 150 people came through the gallery, munched on cheese and crackers and sipped wine on a warm night in June, and hopefully enjoyed the exhibit. The quilt pictured at left, "Purple Rain," was a favorite of one young lady who joined us, and people were very gracious in their comments in general. I'll have more pictures of the display coming soon; the art directors at the eba Gallery chose 23 pieces to exhibit, ranging from 11" x 14" to 50" square, so there's something for everyone. Stop in to the gallery by August 1st and see the show!