. . . when the world falls in love . . .", sings Frank Sinatra from my radio, except I can't seem to get into a very loving mood right about now. The Annual December Stress Level has reached amber, and I'm getting a little crabby. A good friend of mine told me to let some things go, so I tried to eliminate eating, but I became even crabbier.
I do want to thank all of you who wrote such lovely comments on my last post; I did not thank you through individual emails, as I would have liked to do, so I guess I did let something go last week. I just don't like the way I feel when I can't do everything that I feel I should. I don't bake Christmas cookies anymore, and somehow the time that I think I'm saving has been filled up with something else -- I haven't figured out what that is, though.
Okay, enough grousing. Let me tell you instead of how grateful I am for family, friends, and health, and for the wonderful connections that I've been fortunate to build with all of you. Your kind words of support and encouragement lift my spirits constantly, and I look forward to reading your comments, as well as your blogs, each day. Bless you.
And if anyone has any tips on Surviving The Next Twelve Days, please let me know.
Hey, there's no law that says things have to be the same every year. Do whatever you want and just let all the rest go. I used to stress over decorating the house but that was before quilting. Now my 16 yr old son puts up the outside lights and the Christmas tree. I don't fuss anymore and I let him do his own thing. For Christmas dinner, we used to try and have a hot buffet style meal for my family which is around 55 people. Not anymore, we serve buffet style, cold and if you want it hot-there's the microwave. And I get everyone to bring something that's has to be ready to serve when they get here. None of this "it's needs to be warmed up" stuff. It makes it so much easier and you actually get to enjoy yourself and mingle with the company. Also whoever brings the turkey, leaves the dirty pans at home so there's not much washing up to do. Enjoy your holidays!
Your post and Mary-Kay's comment made me smile. Yep, I'm a grumpy crab myself. Not too darn jolly, if you know what I mean. Actually "mean" pretty much described my mood....prior to reading your post.
I'm smiling now. Thanks.
No tips here. My time seems to be like yours. I try to fit everything in, but to no avail, it just doesn't work. But I put a smile on my face and count my blessings and move on. I try to just enjoy the moment and you know that infamous saying, "keep it simple", I think that is the best advice I can give. I hope you enjoy the rest of the holiday season with a huge smile on your face. Happy Holidays to you Diane!
I really liked what Marilyn said. I like to celebrate the season by going to as many concerts as possible.
I don't like the presents part much, but I do love it when my house is all cleaned and adorned with my pretty Christmas decorations, collected over many, many (I'm old) years. We had to cut way back on that when we adopted our crazy cat three years ago. Yesterday I put up our little plastic tree with lights and she immediately pulled it down.
I was brought up to think that Christmas wouldn't come unless every corner, every drawer, every wall, every window was cleaned. One year I accidentally found out that Christmas will come even if you don't make the bed. Wow! That was great!
Glad to know I am not the only creative being who gets completely stressed out during this season. It's hard to write a blog when all you want to do is grouse, on the plus side I have been having a wonderful time embroidering(with little else but stress). Blessings
I hear you. The older I get, the more I have had to let certain holiday things go by the wayside... I just cannot seem to juggle all that I use to. Now if I could only learn to let go of the guilt! Wishing you Happy Holidays!
I feel the same way. I am more stressed out this year and the more stressed I am, the less productive I am. I have rooms to prepare for overnight guests, Christmas dinner to prepare, presents, stockings, the works. But I agree with Ruth Anne, at least when it's done my house will be clean, including my studio.
Well, "Born Crabby" would certainly describe me this month (and maybe for a portion of the whole year?). It is a stressful time and, of course, we all want everything to be perfect. I'm learning to let go..this year I haven't accomplished even half of the many things on my list and it really isn't so bad. I agree with Jackie...it IS all about counting our blessings and in that department, I have many (including YOU).
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